Kalina Kamenova

Director of Applied Research

Dr. Kalina Kamenova is the Director of Applied Research at Loyalist College.

She is an experienced research leader with multi-disciplinary expertise spanning fields such as bioethics, research and applied ethics, global health, science policy and health law, science communication, deliberative public engagement, social innovation, and community-based and participatory research. Her 25-year career in post-secondary education has included research and teaching positions at major Canadian universities, such as the University of Alberta, McMaster, Ontario Tech, Trent, and York, as well as research consulting for industry, the non-profit sector and government. 

Prior to her appointment as the first Director of Applied Research at Loyalist, Dr. Kamenova was the Founder and Research Director of the Canadian Institute for Genomics and Society (Genomics4S) – a Toronto-based think tank that advances public knowledge of the emerging biotechnologies and promotes responsible innovation in biomedicine through the development of best practices for ethical governance and evidence-based decision making. She has also served as the Inaugural Research Director of the University of Alberta’s Centre for Public Involvement (CPI) – a government-university partnership for excellence in research on deliberative democracy and the practice of public participation.

Dr. Kamenova completed her PhD at the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto with a dissertation on public communication and biopolitics of human embryonic stem cell research. She has published extensively on the ethical, legal and social implications of the emerging biomedical technologies in high-ranking scientific journals and has been an invited speaker at international conferences and public events.