Loyalist College Research Ethics Board (REB) consists of faculty, staff and community volunteers who are committed to ensuring that research involving human participants meets the standards set forth by the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. 

REB approval must be sought by any faculty, staff or student who wishes to conduct research involving human participants at Loyalist College. Additionally, any external researcher who wishes to conduct research using any member of the Loyalist College community or College resources must submit an application for review and approval prior to beginning any research. The Loyalist College REB meets once per month (excluding July and August where the Board will meet only if deemed necessary).

Application Process

If you are interested in learning more about the REB, the application process and key issues concerning research using human participants, please take a look at Research Ethics Board Presentation.

REB Policies, Forms and Additional Information



If you are planning to conduct research at more than one college in Ontario, Loyalist College will accept the Multi-Site Application Form for review.

Additional Information

Please submit all applications and subsequent forms to Cher Powers, CPowers@loyalistcollege.com.


REB Members



Cher Powers
Research Coordinator, Applied Research and Innovation Department
Loyalist College
376 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9
613-969-1913, ext. 2108